Vela Stiniva – Big Rocky Bay

Going boating in winter months is a chance to explore the coast when we have it to ourselves. With the beautiful sunny weather this weekend (though I have to say a tad chilly) we took the boat along to Vela Stiniva where there’s a lovely little dock for mooring. That allowed us to go ashore…

Makarac Point

Hot summer days afloat

Here we are at the beginning of August and it’s been a doozy of a summer so far. Between the sweltering temperatures and the cloying humidity, it’s been difficult to breathe some days, let alone get up the energy to move. These are the days of the Dalmatian fjaka, sort of like a Spanish siesta,…

Ferns – plants with no flowers

Ferns are plants that don’t have flowers. Across medieval Europe, the absence was worrying, and explained as ferns having invisible flowers, and seeds that only appeared on Midsummer night, when they could be collected. The seeds then had the power to make you invisible. In Slavic tradition, the flowers were not invisible, simply very rare…

Maslinica beach

A bit of a clean up and a boat trip

Although you’d hardly know it from the weather most days, it is now summer and time to get outside. Usually we’d have started the season at Easter with visitors coming from many parts of the world. It’s slowly, slowly this year, though,and last weekend a group of Vrboskani took to the beaches with black bags…